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Where can I learn and train on a super bike motorcycle?
-With the Racing in Italy team you can.... - Racing courses - Track Days - Races in the Italian championship - Track Days in Spain |...
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Professional Course and Race with Karting | Go-Kart Incentive event | | Milan | Italy
Have you ever wondered where can I drive Karting in Milan area | Italy Have you ever wanted to participate in a real race but didn’t had...

Where can I drive an Alfa Romeo? | Racing Course on Touring car Type Alfa MiTo | Milan
Racing course with a fun and powerful Alfa Mito Turbo made for racing. The course is based on 1-1.5 hr of actual race driving with...

Where can I drive an Alfa Romeo on a Race Track | Racing in Italy | Milan
Experience on the track with a racing Alfa Romeo Mito come and try the Racing in Italy track | Milan | Pavia | Voghera Test a racing Alfa...

Where can I do a racing course in Italy with live streaming | Milan
Formula race course with live streaming and live comments. the best attraction in Milan, only With Racing in Italy . We have a new live...

What to do with kids in Milan? Motor sport activity for teenagers | Racing Courses with Race Cars
Racing in Italy is the only one to provide a real driving and racing course for young adults and children. and not only a racing course...

Test drive | Race | Track Day experiences for everybody including kids with Formula and Race Cars
Racing in Italy is one of the leading racing team in Italy and motorsport event provider, who are committed to provide a racing...

How to become a Race Driver? by Mei Shibi
How to become a Race Driver by Mei Shibi Scuderia Racing in Italy Driver explains how he did they way to become a formula 4 race driver...
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