Rent a Maserati in Italy | Milan | Lake Garda | Modena
Rent a Maserati and Drive it on the Italian streets
Model | Year | No of Seats |
Maserati Levante (white) | 2017 | 5 |
Dont Miss Out, your dream is just few clicks away :)
- Deposit of €3,000 is needed
- Deposit will be made by bank transfer/Credit card
- Price includes 150km per day
- €5 for an extra KM.
More info...
- Prices are in Euro
- Deposit of €3,000 is needed for all cars
- Deposit will be made by bank transfer 7 days before the event
- 30% needed to be sent as soon as you have decided to rent the vehicles
- Rest need to be paid 7 days before the event.
- €5 for an extra KM.
- Full name, passport and license numbers of the drivers are needed
- Price includes full cover insurance for accidents and theft
- In case of an accident - Customer may be charged partially or full out of the deposit depend on the case.
- Cars must be stowed in a custodian’s garage – Full deposit will be charged upon theft.
- Model of cars can vary due to unexpected reasons. In that case Rii will supply a different model with the same level or higher.
Not included are:
- Fuel
- Tolls
- Restaurants
- Treats
- Attractions
Prices for Transfers - Pickup and return (one way)
- Milano and Pavia – FOC
- Malpensa- €100
- Bergamo - €150
- Venezia - €250
- Bologna - €500
- Roma - €1,000